Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Mind Snatchers (1972)

 The Mind Snatchers (1972)

Written by Dennis J Reardon (From his play)
& Ron Whyte
Directed by Barnard Girard

This is a little low budget drama which happens to be Christopher Walken’s first leading moving role.
It also features Ron Cox, Joss Ackland, Ralph Meeker and Bette Henritze.

It’s a mind control story, but this time not with drugs, but rather electronic direct interface with the brain.

Walken plays an rebellious individualistic soldier, an army private. He is taken off to an isolated military hospital with very few people around and only two other patients.
He is put in a room with two other soldier patients and spends most of the movie trying to figure out why he is there and what the place is all about.
Ron Cox plays one of the other patients. He’s a rather wild guy and wants to be friendly with Walken’s guy and is revealed to be an aggressive criminal in a disturbing scene. The third man is just a body in the bed, apparently the first one worked on by a military contracted low-key mad doctor played by Joss Ackland. All this under the supervision of uniformed major played by stern Ralph Meeker.

So after all the trying to figure stuff out and escape the place there is a satisfying wrap up of the whole thing in the last 10 minutes where Walken gets to deliver some interesting dialog about what makes him human and ought not to be tampered with by this doctor.

Good little movie for Walken fans and those interested in mind control and MK-ULTRA in the movies,
It was originally titled The Mind Cage which was the title of the play produced in 1970 by Joseph Papp. The Mind Cage is a better title for what goes on in this. 

Friday, November 27, 2020

Underwater (2020)

 Underwater (2020) Written by some guys. Directed by some other guy.

8:15pm nodding off while reading (Nobody Left by Mr Fish, a part about old Norman Mailer at an appearance promoting his final novel.)

Too early for sleeping.
TV turned on.
Oh, a new Kristen Stewart movie!

Kristen's character is brushing her teeth, manually, not electric.

She has very very short bleached blond hair, large lensed round glasses, and is wearing a bra sort of top with big suspender-like straps and grey sweatpants. There is a spider, like a daddy long legs, in the sink. “What are you doing down here?” First she thinks about squishing it but ends up attempting to save it with a paper towel. Suddenly the underwater sort of enormous space station she is in, lots of tunnels, starts to break up and is being flooded. She loses the big fashionable round glasses which is a shame.

This is the first couple of minutes of the movie. She finds other survivors and they spend the movie trying to get to another part of the station where there are escape pods to take them to the surface 6.7 miles up. (Is the ocean really that deep in the Pacific?)

The black guy gets it first. Really. This is not a big spoiler because he is not there that long to begin with. But he was Kristen’s character's lover because we see them later in a photo print together. These people are in a high tech underwater space station but have some photo snapshots on paper. This seems kind of anachronistic, but it doesn’t matter it’s really a horror action movie. We aren’t even told what they are doing other than “Drilling” and they have soome ultra-hot radiation stuff or something that is contained until it becomes useful.

They have big bulky high tech underwater space suits that they have to wear when they have to walk on the ocean floor. Out there in the murky darkness there is an unknown sea monster, or several. This is what is causing all the trouble. These entities, all tentacles and teeth, are attacking the station.  

Anyway there was no nodding off and the viewer managed to remain awake for the entire 90 minutes. 95 with credits which included one informing viewers that 13,000 people were employed in some capacity in making this entertainment. Was it really 13,000 or did the sleepy viewer engaged in talking valerian and melatonin pills misread this out of the corner of their eye? Maybe it was 3.000. Supposedly that is some kind of justification for it all other than passing the time and keeping the viewer from going to bed at 8:30 and then getting up at 3am rather than 5..

Paul Goodman Changed My Life (2011)


Directed by Jonathan Lee

This is a documentary about radical writer/teacher/ therapist Paul Goodman who is mostly known for his best selling book of 1960 called Growing Up Absurd. Actually mostly just forgotten in the 21st Century.

This documentary covers his life and career and his bold and unusual lifestyle.
He was a fatherless boy of New York City who became an intellectual and radical social credit. He was anti-military-industrial complex and regularly spoke out about that and was a participant in anti-war activities in the 1960s.

He wrote books and articles of social criticism as well as poetry, and fiction, novels and short stories.

The documentary interviews his daughter Susan from an early relationship, and his second wife Sally, he was never officially married to either of the two main women in his life although they were both long relationships with children. The relationship with Sally started in 1945 and ended with his death at age 60 in 1972. 

There is some discussion about his social environmental engineering ideas such as eliminating cars from Manhattan and a plan for a communal community. He had sort of anarcho-syndicalist ideas of political and civic structuralization in which power resides in the small that then associates with the larger association of other smalls. 

Sexually radical in that he was open about his bisexuality and cruising associated with it. He lost jobs because of this. It is disturbing that in spite of all that he had retained old school double standards with Sally. She is interviewed and says that she was not permitted by him to have outside sexual relationships and she, an old woman at the time of the interview, convincingly says it made her angry.   

These dudes. Makes me think of Zappa and Gail.
Since I am somewhat involved with outside sexual relationships myself, I judge this attitude harshly and franky don’t really understand how they can live with themselves acting free while their women are restrained, enslaved, or why the women stand by them through it all.

Very interesting documentary.  

Friday, November 20, 2020

Roundabout By Steve Carter


By Steve Carter (Fiction)

  David liked that Emily came with him to visit his grandfather. Or at least what was left of his grandfather, which wasn’t much, at least not from surface appearance. He was, what, 70 now? Yes, he had to be. He had been on his own until almost 68, but then he was really losing it. He had been forgetful before. David would show up for his occasional visits and grandpa would call him “Sam”. Sam was David’s older brother. Sam who, by the way, never visited grandpa. He was too busy, too much of a hotshot business man. Sammy didn’t give a shit about family. But yet David would keep coming and grandpa would keep on with, “Hi, ya, Sammy. So good to see you again.”
  “David! I’m David. Sam is my older brother. He never comes to see you grandpa. Too busy making money.”
  “Oh, David! Of course, sorry. Money is good. One has to earn a living. I had to. I worked hard all my life. Work’s good for you.”
Of course, David knew from mom, “Your grandfather has always been a bullshit artist. Grandma Lissie was the one who made the money. And not easily either. Dad only worked intermittently, like when he felt like it, or had to, as if he was too good to work. Mom worked at Roland Elementary for 35 years. Third grade, then 2nd grade, then she dropped dead at 60. Didn’t even get to retire. He just sat around the house, or had odd jobs. I mostly remember him sitting around watching Oprah when I got home from school. Drinking a beer. ‘Dad! More beer? It’s 3:30 in the afternoon.’  He would look away from the TV a minute and fill his bong again.” That was mom’s tune about her father. That she got her entire work ethic from her mom who was a great woman and feminist roll model.
  “Well, then if she was such a feminist why did she put up with HIM?”
  “She loved him and he was a nice guy if he wasn’t too drunk and stoned. Even then he was OK, but kind of pathetic. I don’t know. Maybe she just wanted to keep the family together. Her dad died in Korea and she wanted us to have a father. And we did. Such as he was.”
  But all that was in the murky past and grandpa was now stuck in the even murkier present. 
  So David would show up every week or so at the assisted living, assisted existing, place, and visit him. He missed being called Sam now and going through the identity correction routine because now grandpa usually said nothing. He barely even acknowledged David’s presence. He would look away from the TV for a second when David walked in and say nothing. Not even a change in facial expression. Why did they have the TV always on in there and why did it have to be that station that played Law and Order, reruns all day long? If only he would look at David. He only looked at David when David came in. Maybe it was ancient instinctual stuff. A creature moving toward one could be a threat, so he looked.
  That’s why it was nice when Emily came along with him. At least there was someone he could engage with during the visits who was capable of engaging back. Grandpa was flat, the staff on duty “cheerful”, at least when visitors were there, the TV miserable, but Emily was sweet and filled with ideas. She was interested in the challenge of getting through to grandpa.

  “They respond to the music of their past.” she said after insisting on bringing the Bluetooth speaker.
  Doubtful David, “Is that so?”
  “Yes, there was an article in it on Psychology Now.”
  “Psychology TODAY?”
  “No, NOW. It’s a sort of a blog online thing, I don’t mean the old magazine. I sent you the link. Didn’t you read it? Anyway, I want to try it. It might work. It might be miraculous even.”
  Dubious David, “OK, what the hell. We can try it.”
  “Yeah, we just sit there otherwise and tolerate too loud Law and Order.”
  “It’s impossible that he follows the plots of those anyway. It's just a blinking colorful light to focus on.”
  Emily said that she was all prepared. She had loaded up her phone with Boomer hits.

  It was the same as always when they entered that day. Grandpa looked up for a second then back to the TV.
  “Hi grandpa!”
  “Hi grandpa” David thought it was kind of odd that Emily called him that too. But it was nice in a way. They had been together for 3 years and were a sort of little family now. Her parents had been older so she had never met her grandfather. David liked that he could share his grandfather and that she embraced the idea.
  They sat down. Silence, other than the TV.
  David looked at it. “Hey that’s, that’s, what’s his name?” He was trying to identify the now famous actor who was guest starring in this episode, 15 years ago or more probably. “Geez! Emily. What’s that guy’s name? I'm getting as bad as grandpa.”
  “Cut it out, no you're not. I don’t fucking know and it doesn’t matter.” She’s not mad even though she says “fucking”. She is just down-to-earth expressive.
  “It’s the guy who does Chucky’s voice in the horror doll movies. I love that guy. Great actor.” He pulls out his phone and looks it up. “Right, Brad Douriff. Of course. He’s great.”
  Unimpressed Emily, “Oh right.”
  David felt suddenly foolish. But acknowledged how sweet it was of her to play along. He didn’t want to turn her into a long suffering wife of an old fool. But was that even possible to avoid? Was it possible to escape that fate if they stayed together? He looked at her and wondered if they would stay together. Some do, many don’t. Everyone knows that. What would happen to them? Would his insecurity eventually drive her away. She probably would have been better off with Sam, the mover and shaker. Why was he thinking of Sam with her? She had never even MET Sam. And whenever he talked about him she, maybe just playing along again, would say, “Your brother sounds like a jerk.” It was a correct assessment. He was a jerk but at least a self-confident, believing in himself jerk.
  They sat in the two other chairs available in the room. One was just a folding chair that would sit folded against the wall most of the time unless there were more than one guest. There were usually no guests other than when David came by and lately, if she was available, Emily came along and he would let her sit in the more comfortable chair that had wooden arms and a cushion. It was the type of chair that one would find in a medical office waiting room. The cushion, a faded and worn avocado. Pre-worn. It wasn’t worn out by the sitting of grandpa’s guests since he had so few. He had inherited it with the room from the previous occupant who had likely left it to hospice, or maybe died in this room. Would grandpa die in this room and miss the end of an episode of Law and Order?
  David would take the folding chair and sit it close to grandpa so he could feel a bit more intimate about the visit. It was a rather nice folding chair. That kind that had a built in cushion. David was grateful for that. It was more classy than the bare metal chairs even though one of those would have sufficed since no one stayed that long anyway when visiting grandpa. But really no one else ever came to visit grandpa. When David did he didn’t stay that long. It was dull visiting grandpa especially since he was at the stage now when he could not, or would not, interact. David, of course, like anyone else who tried to visit old people like this couldn’t help but wonder about it all. Why was grandpa like this? Was it all physical, just something that happened in the brain? Sometimes David wondered if there was an element of choice involved with these people. Maybe they just wanted to be left alone, maybe they wanted to not have to deal with other people and the world ever again, not have to tangle with all the issues and problems of modern life. After all, according to what mom used to say, grandpa was the type that wanted to somehow escape into his beer and weed, even in what could have been his vital years. Mom was disappointed in him for that. Not that she ever said he was abusive or anything, but grandma had to handle everything. Grandma would complain to mom. Maybe grandma had made mom her sort of surrogate partner since her husband was mostly missing in inaction. So maybe now it was just more of the same. He could now be gone, not have to deal and live in the comparative comfort of this place that was paid for by a combination of the little bit of social security he got monthly and the good insurance that was part of that era's teaching job benefits. David didn’t like to think about the insurance and all that because he would get to wondering, “What will happen to ME at his age, if I get like that?” There was no way of knowing since it seemed that evening was continuing to a decadent stage of the rich getting richer and everyone else. . .well, “Good luck, you should have worked harder to plan for this” impossible as that really was.

  “Grandpa! We brought you some music.” Emily said, eager to begin her experiment. Of course he said nothing and continued to stare at Law and Order with Douriff in some lock-up holding cell. David thought he should look up that episode later since he liked Brad Douriff even though he hated Law and Order.  
  There was a sort of end table beside grandpa’s chair. It had a water glass on it and one of those pink plastic false tooth containers where grandpa kept his particles.
  Emily eye-nodded toward the remote beside the false tooth container. “Maybe you should turn that off.”
  “Gee I don’t know. I never tried messing with grandpa’s TV before. . .” 
  “Maybe that is why all these visits are the same. No one ever wants to try anything different.”
  David, cautiously, “Grandpa. Emily wants to play you some great old music.” He reached for the remote. “Mind if I turn off the TV for a few minutes?”
  Zero response of course. Until he actually clicked it off and grandpa became visibly agitated. His eyes looking around and head moving back and forth as if he was looking for the blinking colorful light.
  David felt bad right away, “Gee, I’m sorry grandpa, but only for a couple minutes and it IS on all day.” He regretted that last phrase right away. Who was he to judge?
  Grandpa continued to look distressed, worried, more lost. So David clicked the TV back on.
  “Ok then, maybe we could just mute it. It’s always so fucking loud anyway. It's not like he is hard of hearing.”
  “Fine” Emily said.
  He was not hard of hearing. Actually grandpa was in rather good shape physically. It was just his mind, his dementia, that was the problem. David found the mute on the remote and there was silence. Grandpa seemed content enough with the light, the blinking screen. There was no way he was following the plot anyway. Well maybe he was, but it was doubtful.
  Emily had the bluetooth speaker out of her bag. It was small, only a 4 inch square cube, but powerful. She pushed it’s soft plastic button and in a moment it made the beep indicating that it was connected to her iPhone. She had earlier searched the hits of 1968 to 1972 when grandpa was a young man and now had some of them on her phone. Enough for the experiment anyway.
  David thought about these post WWII baby boomers, the people born in the very late 1940s and through the early 50s. They were an odd bunch. It seemed from what he had gathered that they all one way or another took advantage of another boom, the economic one of their time. They were part of the winning empire and so there was a lot of easy money, easy life, at least for white people. It seemed like these boomer kids were of two varieties generally. There were those who were motivated enough to build on these advantages and maneuver themselves to positions of power, wealth and control over others. But grandpa was of the other boomers, the ones that turned on, tuned in, and dropped out early on. Some of them dropped back in, but many didn’t and they just seemed to drift through life refusing to build for the future or worry about it much. Grandpa was like that. Always like that. Many of them experimented with drugs in college and then focused on life and careers. They had families and took care of them, bought nice houses and cars. Continued on the same way as their parents had.
  When David went to see grandpa, before he was here, in this place lost in his mind, he had seen him as a sort of old hippy. That’s how mom referred to him, David was kind of prepared to see him that way too.
  Mom would often complain that grandpa was stoned all the time. That he was a drop out that never dropped back in which would have been fine had he not had children, had not also put himself into a position where other people much younger and vulnerable needed him. She called him “The Dumn Shit Rebel” and complained about his contrary nature. He wouldn't even play along for her sake, his only precious daughter who only wanted a daddy like all the others. But he was not like the others. He wasn’t the worst. She said there were friends of hers who had really drunk, alcoholic fathers who beat their mothers and smashed up the car drunk driving. Grandpa wasn’t like that and knew it. He didn’t drink at all, later, but the marijauna was constant and that caused a lot of problems in itself as well as costing a lot of money that could have gone to other things. Like she had had to take out loans and work her way through school because grandpa smoked up all the money that could have gone to that. Most of that was money her mother made teaching.
  David had smoked pot with grandpa. He was still at it in his late years and he often seemed out of it. David would go over to his apartment and grandpa was already stoned. David wondered if he had ever seen his grandpa not stoned. He probably hadn’t. Not until here. The thing was by that time, in his early 60s, grandpa knew it wasn’t a good thing. He would let David smoke with him but at the same time give there warnings, “Watch out for this stuff, especially now that it’s getting to be legal everywhere that implies that it is good and the capitalists are pushing it. It’s not good. I kind of wrecked my life with it and I regret that. But at least it’s better than alcohol. That shit will kill you.” By that time he was totally anti-drinking and was rather proud of himself that he had at least escaped that fate of being alcoholic. Grandpa would say between coughing, “Well at least this shit (cough, cough) isn’t flat out poison.” And he never took other drugs either, maybe some “shrooms” but not heroin, or coke, or speed. Just the hippy drugs of the Woodstock generation.
  But David would often notice that he was out of it. Grandpa would repeat the same stories. They would watch movies together. New movies sometimes, but then David would visit again and grandpa would say, “Hey let’s watch EndTimes. I haven’t seen that one yet and heard it’s good.”
  “We watched that already grandpa, like two months ago.”
  Grandpa would look down like he felt ashamed at his forgetfulness. “We did? Shit. I never remember this crap.” He would justify that by saying that moving image entertaiment wasn’t worthwhile enough for him to remember, or sometimes he would just say, “Well, I guess it’s because I’m high all the time. I’m stoned so I missed it. (Ha Ha)” He was trying to make light of it but David could tell that it really bothered him.
  But who knew how these things worked. Maybe he had early onset Alshimers for years, or maybe it was the weed. Maybe it was both. Yet David had read online that cannabis can be protective of the brain and helped people avoid this elder dementia. Did anyone really know, even experts, how these things worked out?

  But now there was no marijauna and he was just in this room, unable to care for himself, out of it. Staring at Law & Order which he had never even liked before and would refuse to watch. Maybe that staff just put it on because they thought all these old people liked it.

  While David was thinking of all this Emily played A Bridge Over Troubled Water which seemed to go on forever and just felt dreary and sad. 
  Grandpa stared at the silent screen as if completely unaware of the sound of the music.
  “Nothing,” David said. “Maybe it is best to try something, I don’t know, more lively, and not so sad.”
  “Yeah, maybe.” Emily looked at her phone and a 60s sounding guitar started was bluesy woman entering, “Well come on, come on, come on come on”
  Piece of My Heart. That one sounded old and sad to David too. Kind of desperate. “So in the article about this, did they, the patients, react right away or did it take awhile? These don’t seem to be having any effect on him at all.”
  “Well, when he was better, wasn’t he a kind of a cranky contrarian guy? Maybe he never liked these songs.” Emily was feeding back what David had told her about grandpa before. “Let’s keep trying and maybe we will hit on something that will cause a reaction.”
  “OK, I guess it doesn’t matter since so far he doesn’t seem to care.” A little louder and directed, “You like music don’t you grandpa?”
  “Everyone likes music.” Emily was stating a universally known fact.
  David countered, “Yeah, maybe but there are all kinds of music and specific tastes. People can be very particular and exclusive. Maybe he was a jazz fan then and ignored pop junk.”
  “Well maybe. He ‘s your grandfather. Didn’t he have old records around when he moved out of his last place.”
  “No. All that stuff was gone long ago. All that went with the house that he had to move out of when grandma died. He couldn’t afford that place on his own. His Social Security monthly was and is low because he didn’t work that much, and when he did a lot of it was under the table. At least that’s what mom said.” 
  “OK, whatever,” Emily said. “Let me just try a couple others, OK?”
  “Sure, but maybe we don’t have to listen to the whole song if nothing happens. This old shit kind of gets on my nerves.”
  “Cranky contrarian in advancing development?” She said with a grin while choosing another tune.
  “Lovely. And here I thought I was good-naturally going along with this idea.” 
  “Sorry sweetie.” She was just being playful. He knew that and she reassuringly squeezed his thigh with her free hand. “I’ll try just a couple more, OK?”

  This one started out slowly with an instrumental, a classical guitar and maybe some old time synthesizer, or was it an organ? 
  Emily looked at the phone and saw that this one was going to be long, over 8 minutes long.
  Soon there was a kind of high pitched singing. When the singing began grandpa began to stir in his chair as an old memory began to emerge through the fog. It was not a memory he wanted. At first his eyes darted back and forth across the room. He didn’t know where he was. He was thrown off balance. Tumbling with the sound into memory. Into a memory he did not want. One he had been avoiding for decades, forever, his entire life.
  But he couldn’t stop the slide this time. He closed his eyes not wanting to see what he knew was there but was not at all yet clear and present. As the sound continued he was at a body of water. In and around a lake, but he knew it wasn’t a lake. It was water but not a natural body of water. Nothing was natural about tonight. Tonight was one of horror and he was too young to deal with it, but here he was and he had to go through it.
The full moon was a wobbling reflection in the water down there. The ground below his feet was wobbling too, moving. Everything around him was alive. He heard his friends laughing. Then they stopped. The music made them stop laughing. The music was the soundtrack to a psychedelic horror film. But not one they were watching, one they could not escape, that they could not stop. A TV that could not be turned off. If only someone would turn off the tape it might stop. But no one did. They yelled and cried.
  “Jack! Jack!”
  “Where is Jack?”
  The girls were crying, the boys were crying. He was trying to get it to stop. He wished he could. “Why did I have to come here?” He thought. “No no No, this is all wrong.”
  He had to be hallucinating. “Jack” He couldn’t see anything clearly now. He must be peaking. The water, the hills were gathering up into a quivering wad before him and the spreading out again. This was all in time with, connected to, the sounds. If the sound would stop this could stop. If the tape would stop the sound would stop. There would be peaceful night sounds of crickets and the crackle of the fire. But the tape and the music and the sounds and the yelling and the crying girls and the screaming boys wouldn’t stop. It just went on and on forever. This was it, this was hell, there was no backing out. It was his fault coming here. He knew he made all this happen. He was a fuckup and he fucked up good/bad, forever now. A killer.
  “Jack, Jack!”
  “He’s in the water.”
  “He never came up!”
  “He never came up!” He never came back.
  This can’t be happening. I couldn’t fuck up this bad to kill Jack.
It’s a joke! It’s a joke from hell.”
  That sound. It is the sound from hell. If it stops it will be over and Jack will be here. He is really here. He has to be here. He can’t have drowned in sound. That’s not possible. This is impossible. This could not happen to me. Not now. Not AGAIN! This has happened before? Has it happened before? How did I get here? I shouldn't have lied about where we were going. Had I not lied the sound, the music of hell, would never have started and Jack would be here. Can I go back before this? There is nothing before this. Just this. If this is happening I have to be able to go back before. It’s impossible and too horrible to be real. I’m just freaking out. But they are yelling, We are all freaking out. It's just a group freak out. But where is Jack, Jack. JACK!!!!

  As the song ended the room was silent. The only sound was the window AC again. David was amazed and pleased with Emily. “Wow sweetie! That really worked. That one really worked.”
  “Yeah, but he seemed kind of agitated.”
“Yes, no, but at least he reacted. He was alive again.”
  After the song grandpa’s head lowered and he sat quietly slumped in the chair. A tear rolled down his cheek out of his left eye.
  “Well he certainly really reacted.” Emily said. “Did you see the way he moved back and forth in the chair?”
  “Yes! It was incredible. I haven’t seen him be this reactive in years. He must really love that tune.”
  Emily looked at the time on her phone. It was 4pm. Time to go.
“Well, it’s time anyway, but I think that was enough for today.”
  David agreed, “Yes, maybe next time we can start with this one. Maybe it reminded him of early love.” He turned on the TV sound, it was a commercial break.
  Grandpa slowly looked up.
  “Goodbye Grandpa, Em and I have to go now. It seems like you made some progress today. Good work!” He touched his grandfather’s arm.
  They both got up!
  Emily said, “Goodbye grandpa.” At the door she turned back, “See you Roundabout!”
  Pleased with themselves they both chuckled at her little joke and were gone.

Grandpa was at peace in the light of Law and Order.



The Iceman Cometh (1973)

 The Iceman Cometh (1973) Written by Eugene O’Neill

                                            Directed by John Frankenheimer

This is a slightly shortened film adaptation of Eugene O’Neill’s enormous, in length and depth, play. It is not for casual viewing. It is a long haul of a heavy load.

The character of Larry Slade acts as a sort of Our Town like stage manager telling us of the scene at the outset. It’s a dive bar in downtown NYC in the early part of the 20th century, the last gasp saloon. A bar and rooming house upstairs owned and run by Harry Hope. The role of Harry Hope is played by Fredric March, the actor 75 years old and here in his final role.
Larry Slade is Robert Ryan, only 63, but also a more or less final performance with awareness of his imminent death from cancer in that same year.
Perhaps that is what helps drive March and Ryan to deliver the most powerful and perfect performances in the movie.

This little look at the movie and play is not going to be able to give much of an insight to the complex psychological mechanism of this play/movie.
It might be best for the reader to seek it out and watch for themselves. It is perhaps best viewed alone, most certainly not a date movie. Maybe best for men or old/soul men, or whatever gender, because it is all about men with no real woman characters other than a couple of hopeless “tarts” who pass through the bar angling for their own hopes which are dependent entirely on these drunken men.

What we have here is a contemplation of life, hope, and death. The “pipe dreams” of hope are delivered to these men through their alcoholism. The drunkenness ignites their hopeful dreams of escaping their current situation and into a future life based mostly on what they were before their fall into this place. The play is entirely set in the bar where they get drunk and dream of escaping to be free, and live again with self, and community, respect.

They wait for Hickey, played by Lee Marvin. Hickey is an on the road salesman, who shows up periodically and flush with enough dough to be the life of the party. He buys them drinks where their usual routine is short on the money to fuel their drunken transcendence day to day.

Only this time Hickey has changed. He is here to confront and murder their hopes and dreams as something in himself has also died between visits.
There is a rather big reveal at the end of this 4 hour epic. This writing will avoid spoiling that for those interested in seeing the movie or play.

That said, the character of Larry Slade comes on hopeless from the very outset. He is an old man, the old anarchist. He has given his life to the movement for social change, economic justice, but has seen this fail. He has seen comrades in the movement disappoint. He has seen them turn on one another. His lofty, idealistic, dreams have been crushed. Yes, there could be a better world, but for something in the people themselves not ready or equipped to make it happen. Perhaps they know the way but cannot make it to the promised land themselves, just too corrupted by the competitive set-up of civilization to return to the garden of tribal hunter-gatherer communist union. He has come to Harry Hope’s to die.
(A pause here to explain the label “anarchist” attached to Larry Slade and its historical perspective. This type of anarchist is not a single bit nihilistic. It's not about destroying everything and burning up the world. The play refers to early 20th century notions of anarcho-syndicalism, as a type of highly idealistic social and economic structure relating to affinity group autonomy that then associates loosely with other affinity groups perhaps based around worker own industrialism. Libertarian communism.)

Larry as a younger man out on the coast has watched the betrayal and failure among these movement people. That betrayal comes and finds him in the bar in the form of the character of Don Parritt, Jeff Bridges, who may even be his own horriblly tragic son.

So at the outset Larry Slade is quite hopeless and welcoming his own death. Yet through the course of the play, through the confrontations with Hickey, the man who loved to put on a party but now the killer of hopes, a pitchman of hopeless and death, a murderer, be sees once again the value of hope and how HOPE IS LIFE and on a sense all the bar inhabitants and perhaps us all, have. His is appalled but murderous Hickey and is his enemy at the end, as we should be too.

The play in the end is an advocacy of hope and dreams as what we have to carry us all through life.


How to destroy a young woman's life? It's really not so hard. Be born to her She was only 19. I understand that she was good in scho...